To get the most of your sensual tantric massage, with a man masseuse just read this.
To make your sensory massage an intense and unforgettable experience, keep in mind the following:
1. Give yourself the freedom to enjoy it intensely, remember your way is ok!
the way you like it is fine, some people scream out, others make sounds in the chest like alpha males, say obscene words if that get you eveb hotter. etc, etc
2. The massage is rich in movements and a variety sensations, if any of them bother you or are not that pleasant, just tell me and I will suspend it.
3 The massage is professional, I want you to feel comfortable and in an environment of respect and tranquility all the time, if at any time you feel uncomfortable, you can cancel the massage and pay the cost of preparing the room and the time of the service.
For contact with the masseur,